We hope you love our products always, and never need to come to this page. But in an extremely rare case that you do, here is our Return and Refund policy:
We ship our products within 2 to 5 days of receiving the order. Once any order is dispatched from our warehouse, the tracking details will reflect on your user dashboard. You can cancel any order before the product is shipped from our warehouse.
If you would like to cancel your order after the product has already been shipped and if you received the product, it will be eligible for replacement/refund according to the returns policy.
If you think you have received the packaged product in bad condition, or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to accept the package and return it to the delivery person. Also, please raise a Ticket mentioning your Order ID. You will get the Ticket option when you log in to your account on our website. We will personally ensure that a brand new replacement is issued to you at no additional cost. Please make sure that the original product tag and packing is intact when you send the product back.
In case you have received a defective or incorrect product (an unlikely event), please raise a Ticket mentioning the issue and your Order ID. You will get the Ticket option when you log in to your account on our website. Our team will get back to you at the earliest. We will send you the exact same product within 7 working days. If by any chance the same product is out of stock, we will issue a refund of the exact same amount.
Eligible products can be returned within 7 days of product delivery. Please ensure that you are aware of the returns eligibility before placing your order.
Conditions where products will not be eligible for refund:
To return any product, kindly visit your dashboard. You will find a Ticket option when you log in to your account on our website. Kindly raise a Ticket mentioning the reason for return, and our team will get back to you at the earliest to assist you further.
After the return request is approved, you can choose to exchange the product or seek a refund. The refund can be in the form of redeemable store credits (which you can use later to shop at www.tehaii.in) or a refund to your original credit/debit card or bank account.
In case discounts were applied during the order, the discount value shall also be adjusted in the refund.
If you have any other queries or concerns regarding returns, please reach out to the TEHAII team on Call/WhatsApp at 9830836542 or email us at support@tehaii.in.
Happy Shopping!