Welcome to tehaii.in, which provides its services to you subject to the following conditions. If you visit or shop at tehaii.in, you agree to accept the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
Please review our Privacy Policy, which also governs your visit to tehaii.in, to understand our practices.
Please note that, while we try to keep our online stock figures updated, this being a manual process, it might be error-prone. It may happen that our online system accepts an order for an item that is not in stock at that particular moment. In such a situation, the best we would offer is to refund the customer’s money. tehaii.in undertakes no responsibility for any loss, financial or otherwise, incurred by the customer due to such incidents. No interest or other charges will be paid to the customer for their effort or cost in transferring funds to us or for the time the funds remain with us.
While we use our best efforts to ensure that all products are accurately priced, errors may occur. If the price displayed for a product is incorrect, we are not obligated to sell the product at the incorrect price. In such cases, the best we can offer is to refund the customer’s money. We undertake no responsibility for any loss, financial or otherwise, incurred by the customer due to such incidents. No interest or other charges will be paid to the customer for their effort or cost in transferring funds to us or for the time the funds remain with us.
All of tehaii.in’s products are handcrafted using the finest natural fibres. Subtle variations in colour, texture, and finish are intrinsic to handmade products. Our products involve crafts-based traditions such as hand spinning, dyeing, weaving, wood block printing, and embroidery. We use both vegetable dyes and commercial dyes. An irregular weave or print is not a defect – handloom, by definition, means uncertainty in uniformity.
Colours: We have made every effort to display the colours of our products accurately. However, since the colours you see depend on your monitor, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display will be accurate.
Reds and blues tend to run. Please always wash similar colours together and dry them inside out in the shade. Silks must be dry-cleaned only.
tehaii.in ensures that we will ship the product within the shipping time committed on the product page. If there is a delay due to unforeseen circumstances, the customer has the option to cancel the order and get a full refund before the product has been shipped.
tehaii.in collaborates with reputable delivery partners, but if the courier is delayed after the product is dispatched, the customer cannot cancel the order. However, tehaii.in will attempt swifter delivery in such situations.
We offer free delivery for all orders with payments made online or via bank transfer.
tehaii.in reserves the right to modify or change these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notification. The latest version of these terms will always be available on tehaii.in. If you do not agree to these terms, please discontinue using our service. If you continue to use our service, you are deemed to have accepted the modified Terms & Conditions.
If you have any further questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, you may contact us using the information below: